Stella Maris Inverness

Prayers for Peace in the World

A prayer for peace.

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Loving Father,

We bring to you the suffering of our world today.

Look kindly upon every person living in fear, suffering persecution, or facing death.

Help us to remember that you are the Father of all of your children on earth.

Fill each heart with an unwavering trust in your Fatherly love.

Forgive us when we have not cared for our earth, the home you have given.

Forgive us when we chose the path of selfishness rather than the path of Love.

Forgive us when we forgot to live as brothers and sisters on this earth, the way you have shown in fellowship with your disciples.

Look upon us with your compassion, the way you looked upon the world from the cross.

Remember not the evil we have done, but see the depth of our repentance.

Give peace to the world, help us to live anew.

Send your Spirit to guide each our step, to build rather than to destroy, to love rather than to hate, to live rather than to die.

In Jesus name, through the victory of his resurrection, we pray.
