Stella Maris Inverness


Help support Stella Maris Church and Parish

Stella Maris Church stands as a beacon of hope, a sanctuary for our community. Your support ensures its legacy for future generations. By contributing, you’re not just preserving a building; you’re nurturing a haven where families gather, traditions flourish, and spirits find solace. 

Business No: 106880107RR0026
CRA Registered. 

Decorative statue inside Stella Maris Inverness
Pictured: Stella Maris Interior

Donate through PayPal and Gofundme

Donate through Canada Helps

Mail in your donation

If you’d prefer to mail us your donation, please address it to 55 Upper Railway St. PO Box 250, Inverness, Nova Scotia B0E 1N0. Please remember to include your name and other relevant personal information.

Give your donation in person

If you’d prefer to hand us your donation directly, please stop by the Parish Office weekdays.

Fundraising Updates

ISO: Turkey Dinner Volunteers
FUNDRAISER: Barbeque Box Winner
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EVENT: Full Sunday Breakfast